
Gladstone Pottery Museum, together with the Roslyn Works next door, in Longton, is home to the most important group of bottle ovens still standing in the UK and indeed the world. 

Link to Gladstone site here

Gladstone Pottery Museum is a fully restored potbank from the days when coal-burning bottle ovens made the world's finest pottery. There are five magnificent, towering bottle ovens in a unique setting, at this stunning multi-award wining industrial museum of the pottery industry.


August: Restoration and renovation continues at Gladstone Pottery Museum to preserve the most important group of bottle ovens remaining in the Potteries.

Gladstone's Bottle Oven No.1 is steadily being encased in a large amount of scaffolding as part of an essential maintenance project. The work is necessary to ensure the safety of museum visitors, and the long-term preservation of the bottle ovens. Failed mortar and spalled bricks will be replaced. More here>  Words and pictures by Nerys Williams, member of the Gladstone Museum Staff.